Shared Wisdom for Successfully Leading Organizations

Author: Markus Stadelmann-Elder

Three experts talk about good board governance and relationships

For this blog post, we have selected three Five Good Ideas sessions that look at good board governance and relationships. Five Good Ideas is Maytree’s lunch-and-learn program, where industry or issue experts discuss practical ideas on key management issues facing non-profit organizations.

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Your first 40 days as a CEO

The following is an excerpt from Chapter Two, “Getting the job and getting started.” Congratulations! You got the job! Now, what do you do? First, avoid the temptation to make promises and set strategic goals in the first few weeks. This is a common impulse for new leaders, especially first-time CEOs with heroic notions. They run the risk of setting expectations that are too high, making promises that are unrealistic, or acting before thoroughly understanding the organization. Equally troubling, they miss the opportunity that a CEO only truly has in the first few weeks on the job — to get honest and direct feedback from the organization’s stakeholders. Once you are fully integrated in the organization, these stakeholders may not be as willing or able to openly share their thoughts with you.

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Different approaches to leadership: Learning from Maytree’s Five Good Ideas

Five Good Ideas is Maytree’s lunch-and-learn program, where industry or issue experts discuss practical ideas on key management issues facing non-profit organizations. Each expert presents five ideas and explores with the audience how these ideas can be translated into action. In this blog post, we have selected three particular sessions that take different approaches to leadership. The videos are 20 to 40 minutes long, and packed with knowledge for new or experienced non-profit leaders.

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Three resource websites for busy non-profit leaders in Canada

Illustration - hands and computers (iStockphoto)

Successful non-profit leaders understand the importance of growing their leadership skills and staying up to date with the latest charity news. But finding the time to do so can be a challenge. Here are three websites that will make it easier for you to stay informed.

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Getting ready to become the CEO of a non-profit organization

Gears with success words on them (iStockphoto)

The following is an excerpt from Chapter One, “Making a Move.” When Franca Gucciardi accepted her first CEO position at the Loran Scholars Foundation she quickly realized the immensity of the task ahead of her and contacted her mentor, Alan Broadbent. What followed was a series of conversations, and a process of learning to ask (and then answer!) the right questions. You’re It! is mentorship in book form, the collected wisdom of two experienced CEOs — a practical and accessible guide to leading an organization. It’s everything you wanted to know about being a CEO but were afraid to ask.

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