Shared Wisdom for Successfully Leading Organizations

Author: Markus Stadelmann-Elder

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Review: An Essential Read for Non-Profit Leaders

You're It! book cover

As you read along, you will pick up important pieces of advice to help you in your leadership journey. Alan and Franca’s hope is that You’re It! “serves as a friendly reminder of the importance of your leadership role. A committed, effective leader of integrity can make a huge difference to improving the impact an organization has, and thus an impact on the health and well-being of our society.”

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Video from the May 4 book launch in Toronto

Hear from the two authors Alan Broadbent and Franca Gucciardi as they shared their insights and tips on what it takes to be a successful CEO and leader of a non-profit organization. Sevaun Palvetzian, CEO of CivicAction, moderated the conversation.

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We printed our book!

Piled up boxes of books

We’re delighted to have our printed books in our hands. We can’t wait to see you at the book launch next week.

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The Presses Are Rolling

Plotters and proofs going back to the printers

You’re It! has now officially gone to press!
We are getting closer and closer to receive the printed copy of our book.

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